全国咨询热线: 13926908508 黄先生




作者:小编2023-06-13 23:25:45



热导率(thermal conductivity)是一个物质的物理特性,用于描述该物质传导热量的能力。它定义为单位时间内单位面积上热量传导的速率与温度梯度之比。




The definition of thermal conductivity in English is as follows:

Thermal conductivity is a physical property of a material that describes its ability to conduct heat. It is defined as the rate of heat conduction per unit area per unit time divided by the temperature gradient.

Thermal conductivity is typically denoted by the symbol "λ" and its units are watts per meter-kelvin (W/(m·K)). It represents the amount of heat flow through a unit thickness of the material per unit area when there is a temperature difference of 1 Kelvin.

A higher thermal conductivity value indicates that the material has a better ability to conduct heat, meaning it can efficiently transfer heat. Conversely, materials with lower thermal conductivity are often good insulators, reducing the conduction of heat.

It's important to note that thermal conductivity is an intrinsic property of a material and does not consider the influence of the material's shape and size. For composite materials or complex structures, there may be anisotropic thermal conductivity, where heat conduction varies in different directions. In such cases, anisotropic thermal conductivity is used to describe the heat conduction properties in different directions.