全国咨询热线: 13926908508 黄先生




作者:小编2023-05-24 00:20:18




The silicone iron pad refers to a pad or mat made of silicone material that is placed on the bottom of the hot plate in soldering applications. It is used to provide insulation, heat resistance, and protection for the work surface during soldering operations.

The silicone iron pad offers several benefits:

1. Heat insulation: It acts as a thermal barrier, preventing direct contact between the hot plate and the work surface, thereby protecting it from heat damage.

2. Non-slip surface: The silicone material provides a stable and non-slip surface for placing the soldering iron, helping to prevent accidental slips or movements during soldering.

3. Heat resistance: Silicone is known for its high-temperature resistance, allowing the pad to withstand the heat generated by the soldering iron without melting or deforming.

4. Easy cleaning: The silicone iron pad is typically non-stick, making it easy to clean any soldering residue or flux that may adhere to its surface.

Overall, the silicone iron pad is a useful accessory in soldering workstations, providing thermal insulation and protection for the work surface while offering a stable and non-slip platform for soldering operations.